Engaging Customers During COVID-19: How to Cut Through the Noise

Engaging customers during COVID in the right way can cut through the noise

Customer engagement, while always a vital piece of the puzzle of success, has never been more important than it has become since the pandemic. The use of telecommunication has dramatically increased since the COVID-19 outbreak began, and people are spending more time on their digital devices while waiting for life to return to normal. 

This alone should be reason enough to take a second look at your digital engagement efforts. But there is another factor to consider: yours is not the only enterprise seeking to adapt to the changes coronavirus has wrought. How can you cut through the noise to reach your customers and confirm the value of your relationship? Engaging customers during COVID-19 and beyond presents a unique challenge for many enterprises in terms of both communication and technology—but the rewards of overcoming this challenge are great. 

Why You Need a Good Customer Engagement Strategy

It is not hyperbole to say that a strong customer engagement strategy could be the difference between success and failure in today’s customer-centric economy. An engagement strategy that fosters a strong connection with your customers can benefit your enterprise by:

  • Reinforcing the value of the products and services you provide and the idea that they are essential even during uncertain times.
  • Reassuring your customers that you are available and have their best interests in mind, which creates more motivation for them to continue supporting you as well, creating a positive cycle of mutual growth.
  • Fostering collaboration between your company and your customers, which in turn strengthens your connection while opening the door to greater innovation.
  • Keeping your CS team in touch with your customers—not just in the sense of communicating regularly, but also in terms of staying in tune with customers’ needs and goals as they change over time.

Engaging with your customers during COVID-19 and beyond is not merely about retaining customers now, but about building and maintaining a foundation for lasting relationships and continued growth on both sides. 

Strategies for Successfully Engaging Customers During COVID-19

What does it take to successfully engage with customers during COVID-19? We suggest implementing the following.

Communicate strategically and automate when possible.
  • Keep your customers informed about your plans for the future, especially in the context of the pandemic. 
  • Use automated messaging when possible to free time for CS teams to have one-on-one discussions when necessary.
Use segmentation to make each communication relevant.
Offer opportunities that add value.
  • Webinars can be a great way to share in-depth information on topics your customers will find helpful.
  • Free training on new features or ones that will help customers going forward can increase the ease of use of your product and the value realized.
Collaborate with customers on new or revised goals.
  • Invite customers to share their ideas and feedback with your team openly, and make sure your team has the training and skill to respond to those communications positively and efficiently.
  • Work with customers to revise their goals and establish a timeline for reaching new milestones.

Successfully engaging customers during COVID-19, or any other challenging and uncertain time, requires empathy. Your customers need to know that they are respected and valued and that yours is an enterprise they can trust and rely on.

At the same time, your Customer Success team members are only human and it is important to be mindful of their time. To ensure they can deliver the best results, provide them with Customer Success technology that offers customer health scores and early warning systems so they can pave the path forward as smoothly as possible. 

Enhancing Engagement with Leading-Edge Technology

A good customer success platform can prepare your company to pivot quickly in terms of both messaging and assistance to customers. A platform that offers automation can relieve the burden of many menial tasks, allowing CS specialists to focus their energy where it is needed most. An automated early warning system, for instance, can quickly and easily alert team members to accounts that require their attention and initiate next steps, such as scheduling a time to talk with the customer. This ultimately increases both team effectiveness and customer satisfaction.

Scalability is a valuable solution that empowers your team to do more with less while remaining customer-centric. Utilizing key features like dynamic assignment will help you maximize current resources by dynamically matching customers with team members according to traits such as location, availability, experience, and language. The better your platform can adapt to your needs, the more agile your enterprise will become, and the easier engaging customers during COVID-19—and providing customer value—will be.

In these challenging times, you can’t afford to buy before you try. Get started for free today. Totango’s customer success solutions make effectively engaging customers during COVID-19 simple and straightforward.

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