Kicking off Totango’s Spring Product Release – Belize


Two more weeks have gone by, and we are all still at home focusing on keeping our daily routines. Most importantly staying safe.

Today we are launching our new release Belize. As you can see we are still looking for the most desirable vacation destinations and Belize definitely qualifies as such –  beautiful and relatively safe from COVID-19. 

Belize will deliver more value through :

  • Greater stakeholder engagement: Detect, Act and report on trends in stakeholder coverage across accounts and take proactive action. 
  • More precise customer segmentation: Segmentation on any object or multiple objects in Totango 
  • Better collaboration with your team members: Use Totango to capture all of your customer interactions
  • More customer listening capabilities: Measure customers experience for key customer flows such as Onboarding including CSAT survey information
  • Better customer communication:  Use In-app messages to quickly communicate to customers where they are at, in your platform
  • Improved CSM efficiency: Personal Agendas help your team work smarter 

This week we deliver more ways to Stream data to Totango

  •  MS Dynamics CRM integration!  Quickly and seamlessly stream information directly to Totango DNX-CX.
  • Sync data from multiple CRMs. If you have more than one CRMs at your company due to an acquisition or Merge this is essential 
  • Get a unified view of all CRM data through our enhanced user experience.

Segmentation on any object enables you to work smarter.
Imagine that you are looking for upcoming renewal Enterprise customers with over $1M opportunities and a bad survey logged recently. The enhanced filters enable you to better analyze your customers by asking questions mixing any totango object.

Join our Beta. Be the first to test-drive our new interaction recording tool.

As I shared above one of the great things we are releasing in the near future is enabling more collaboration with your peers not only through Totango Touchpoints but also through emails.  The best part is you can have the whole interaction recorded in Totango so you can query and review the data at any time. 

We are looking for customers to join the beta of this feature right away. If you want us to get your feedback even before releasing this feature, please reach out to the ‍product team‍.

If you are not already a Totango customer, sign-up, it’s free.

Stay Safe,

Ravit and the Totango team  


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