Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Product update 22, 2019 Campaign 

The holiday season is the best time of the year! It is full of celebration and also gives us an opportunity to reflect on the year behind us. Today we bring you some highlights from our year. 

SuccessBLOCs and Spark
Most importantly, this year most of our customers started to leverage SuccessBLOCs and explore the immense value they provide.  We saw the impact of Spark on the ability of you, our customers, to reach your goals with Totango. 

Quarterly Release Themes
This year we announced our 4 quarterly releases cadence theme – ‘Desired  vacation destinations,’ delivering new features and value in bi-weekly sprints that each roll up to the quarterly theme. Our first destination, IBIZA, was focused on creating efficiencies and an enjoyable work experience for Success Managers. 

Our first theme was all about the daily workflow of Success Managers. In doing this, we focused on:

  • Removing Noise
  • Reducing Friction 
  • Enabling Workflows

With many new capabilities and an improved user experience we enabled you to focus and spend more time with your customers. Here are some highlights:

Rapid Insight Forms
As always, we designed our new features working directly with you, our customers. During the time we spent with you all, we learned that while a lot of customer data exists in systems, you and your team also have a great amount of knowledge about your customers that isn’t captured in a database. We enabled all of you to bring data from people into Totango using Rapid Insight Forms.

Customer Data Hub
In addition with the new ‘Customer Data Hub’ we enabled you to quickly connect with customers by reusing connections, previewing the data easily and getting in-app notifications on success or failures.

Enhanced Segmentation
We already have the most advanced segmentation capability, but you all challenge us to push it even further. This year our enhanced segment experience enabled you to see utilize the new Totango Dimensions, see real-time data changes, allow your data to guide you in decision-making.

I almost forgot, we also released Dimensions! These data categories enable you to leverage your business taxonomy and make it very clear and easy for your organization to see how much data exists in Totango and how to ask the right questions in order to explore it quickly.

These are just some of the exciting features we released as part of IBIZA. To learn more, visit the Knowledge Base for release notes.  

End of Year and Happy Holidays!
It’s hard to summarize an entire year in one email, so we hope you stay up to date on our latest and greatest news with our bi-weekly emails and the release notes. To get more insights for today’s release please refer to the new login KB.  We also invite you to join us in the Totango Community for best practices and tips and tricks from customers like you. 

I would like to take this opportunity and thank each one of you, our great customers. You make Totango the best we can be, and we truly appreciate your partnership. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Ravit & the Totango team

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