SuccessBLOCs – Now With More Usage Metrics


Today we have some exciting product updates, as well as an upcoming webinar you can join for more best practices.

SuccessBLOC Scorecards, Now With User KPIs
We’ve added an enhancement to SuccessBLOC Scorecards which now allows you to create KPIs based on user metrics, as well as account metrics. Some example use cases of this would be for usage trends, active users, and more. Read more about it in our Knowledge Base article.

Dynamic SuccessTeams
To support your Customer Success teams as you scale, you can now add team members to SuccessTeams dynamically based on their user criteria. For example, you might create teams based on regions, such as US, EMEA, and APAC.

You can then automatically configure permissions so that team members can only see the accounts that are part of their assigned portfolios. This is particularly helpful as you ensure your team has their focused account set with very little administrative effort. Read more about it here

      At Totango we strive to bring you not only the most advanced Customer Success technology, but also to provide you opportunities to learn about industry best practices. Our next webinar, Using Technology to Drive Scalable Customer Success is this Thursday, February 20 at 2pm EST / 1 PST. Hosted by Christine Knific, our Senior Manager of Digital Customer Success, we’ll discuss the benefits of a tech-touch program and how to build a digital nurture program to benefit all customers. Join us!


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