Six Best NPS Software Solutions for 2022

6 Best NPS Software Solutions for 2022

The number of NPS software providers has proliferated as the importance of tracking Net Promoter Score (NPS)  has been realized by a growing number of enterprises. This raises the question, how do you find the best NPS software solutions? In this guide, we’ll help you tackle this issue.

First, we’ll cover what NPS software is and what features are important so that you know what to look for when selecting a solution. Then we’ll take a look at the best NPS software providers.

What Is NPS Software?

NPS software is the technology that facilitates the collection and practical application of Net Promoter Score data. Net Promoter Score is a customer satisfaction KPI that measures how likely a client is to recommend your brand to friends or colleagues. This is done by asking customers to express their likelihood of recommending you on a scale of 0 to 10, with a score of 9 or 10 indicating that the customer is a “promoter” likely to continue buying from you and recommend you to others. Your respondents’ average score can be used to measure customer satisfaction and predict business growth.

NPS software helps you conduct NPS surveys, analyze their results, and put the information to use. It can make your NPS surveys more efficient by performing a number of functions, such as:

  • Segmenting your respondents based on criteria you select so you can zero in on a particular part of your customer base
  • Delivering your survey through multiple channels, such as your website and email list
  • Customizing your survey with additional response fields
  • Branding your survey
  • Scheduling delivery of your surveys, such as triggering surveys to be sent after customers have completed a purchase
  • Generating survey reports
  • Integration of NPS surveys with other relevant tools, such as CRM apps and email autoresponders

Advanced NPS tools may provide additional features that help implement practical workflows to act on survey results. For example, Totango’s SuccessPlay feature allows you to create automated workflows to follow up on NPS surveys, such as sending an upsell offer or referral invitation to customers who respond with a 9 or 10.

Why Do You Need NPS Software?

NPS software offers you a number of advantages over manually administering your own NPS surveys. The best NPS software lets you:

  • Automatically track customer satisfaction
  • Accurately predict customer retention, brand growth and revenue
  • Segment your NPS responses for more targeted and effective follow-up
  • Take steps to win over dissatisfied or lukewarm customers
  • Leverage satisfied customer responses for upselling conversions and referrals
  • Combine NPS surveys with other apps for more powerful functionality

These benefits and others help make NPS software a worthwhile investment.

What Are the Most Important NPS Software Features?

What should you look for when choosing NPS solutions? Here are some of the most important features to consider:

  • Segmentation: Does your software solution give you the ability to segment your survey for different parts of your customer base?
  • Scheduling control: Can you schedule delivery of your surveys at select events in your customer’s lifecycle?
  • Contextual response capability: Can you provide context for the reasons behind customer responses by including open-response fields?
  • Advanced targeting:Can you follow up your survey with additional questions to elicit deeper insight?
  • Multi-channel delivery capability:Which media does your software allow you to deliver your survey through?
  • Branding customization:Does your survey tool allow you to customize your surveys under your brand or does it display a third-party brand?
  • Reporting: Does your NPS software include analytics and reporting tools to help you interpret your survey results?
  • Integrations: Does your solution support integration with your existing apps or other apps you need to obtain desired functionality?
  • Feedback loops: Does your solution make it easy to follow up your survey with personalized actions based on individual responses, such as upsell offers or customer retention efforts?

Not all tools will include all these features. Look for solutions with the features that fit your needs.

Six of the Best NPS Software Solutions for 2022

What are some of the best NPS software options currently available? Here are six of our top picks.

1. Totango

Totango’s customer success management platform includes a SuccessBLOC module to not only track but also improve customer NPS. The NPS SuccessBLOC allows you to automatically trigger and send NPS surveys at key points in your customer journey, such as after onboarding or prior to subscription renewal. You can also set up automated workflows that are triggered based on personalized survey responses. For example, customers who respond with a high NPS score may receive an upsell offer, while customers who respond with a low score may trigger actions to improve satisfaction. The module includes KPIs to measure performance, segmentation options, and campaign tools to send automated emails based on specific goals. These additional features set Totango apart as a tool for not only tracking but also managing NPS scores.

2. InMoment (formerly Wootric)

In 2021, customer feedback provider InMoment acquired Wootric, an app for conducting NPS surveys inside web apps. InMoment allows companies to conduct hyper-targeted NPS surveys through multiple channels, including emails, in-app, mobile, SMS, and the Intercom Messenger chat app. The InMoment app includes customizable dashboards, analytics tools, and integration options.

3. Delighted

Experience management software app Delighted includes NPS template options. NPS surveys can be delivered through email, web, links, kiosks, and iOS. Survey scheduling is available. Multiple integrations and languages are supported.

4. SurveySparrow

Omnichannel customer experience management provider SurveySparrow offers an NPS survey platform. The platform features list segmentation, follow-up question, email capability, automated survey scheduling, real-time survey viewing, and analytics capability. Surveys can be distributed via SMS, email, or in-app.

5. Survicate

Customer feedback survey provider Survicate includes an NPS survey tool. Surveys can be delivered through apps, websites, email, and chatbots. Intuitive building tools make surveys easy to design. The app includes analytics features and integration options to support follow-up actions.

6. HotJar

Website behavior analytics provider Hotjar includes a survey feature that allows companies to conduct on-site and external surveys. Surveys can be scheduled to appear when desired during the customer journey. Survey questions can be customized to ask customers what they like about a product. A drag-and-drop tool allows web designers to build surveys with minimal technical experience.

Choose the Best NPS Software Solution for Your Needs

NPS software lets you automate the administration of NPS surveys and the practical application of survey results. The best NPS software solutions include features such as segmentation, multi-channel delivery options, delivery scheduling and integration support. Many solutions only allow you to collect and analyze data but require third-party integrations to put data into action. Totango goes a step beyond by combining NPS survey capability with customer success tools to help you improve customer satisfaction. Try it free to see for yourself how combining NPS surveys with customer success automation can help you improve customer satisfaction.

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