Customer Health Dashboard

Today, we’re excited to announce a major new functionality in Totango.

The Totango Customer Health Dashboard – A unique way to know, track and proactively manage customer health.

It’s the ultimate tool for Customer Success staff and anyone else in the organization taking an active role in reducing churn, increasing adoption and customer happiness.

If you are all setup with Totango, you can login to see it live.

Break down of accounts by health

Breakdown of your paying customers into Good, Average and Poor health Categories



Quickly find your best customers and those requiring the most attention


Track trends and know if your customers’  are doing better (yay) or worse (oh oh) over time.

Segment your customer base and see how each group is doing


A Healthy customer base is the main ingredient of a successful SaaS business.  You can now use Totango to keep yours in mint condition!

* Learn more in the Customer Health Feature Guide

* Log into your Customer Health Dashboard on Totango

* Not a Totango user yet?  Signup here today!


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  1. […] Totango team is excited to announce the release of the Customer Health Dashboard which helps cloud application providers and software as a service companies of all kinds track and […]

  2. […] Totango team is excited to announce the release of the Customer Health Dashboard which helps cloud application providers and software as a service companies of all kinds track and […]

  3. […] who’s struggling to get value from your application. The only way to do that systematically is to define a consistent health benchmark for your paying customers, then track each account to see who needs help. Here are some example […]

  4. […] 2, 2012 · Leave a Comment The Totango team is excited to announce the release of the Customer Health Dashboard which helps cloud application providers and software as a service companies of all kinds track and […]

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