Subscription Companies Can’t Be Efficient Without Customer Success

Several customer success executives lost their jobs this year as a result of delivering less revenue than promised from existing customers. At the same time, investors are more focused than ever on avoiding reckless growth strategies and building sustainable, revenue-centric growth models.

But isn’t generating more customer revenue the most efficient and sustainable form of growth?

It is, when you run customer success as a business. Customer success needs to be run as a profit center for the business, and companies of every size are generating significant revenue impact when their operations are properly managed and aligned.

From nascent startups to competitive enterprises, it is necessary to understand a) the vital role customer success plays for efficient revenue growth, and b) what the minimum viable customer engagement program looks like for your company.

Our CEO Guy Nirpaz recently participated in a webinar with Aaron Fulkerson, MindTouch CEO, discussing these exact topics and providing concrete ways subscription companies can build efficiency with customer success. Check out the replay below:

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