How to Nurture Customers During the Long Growth Stage

After new customers are fully onboarded, they move along the customer journey into the growth stage (nurture or adoption stage). For most recurring revenue companies, this stage is the longest. 

Looking at the representation below, customers typically spend 30 days in the new or onboarding stage, 30 days in the renewal stage, and the remaining time or 305 days of the year, in the customer growth stage.

Customer Nurture Stage timeframe

Are you engaging customers during the entire growth phase? Are they continuously receiving value from your product? These are 2 critical questions that need to be addressed in order to maintain strong retention rates.

Guide to Successful Customer Nurture

Totango has created the Guide to Successful Customer Nurture to help Customer Success teams build scalable nurture programs that drive value.

In this guide, you will learn best practices to:

  • Choose the right engagement model for your customers
  • Establish repeatable, timeline-based nurture programs
  • Trigger event-based processes based on customer behavior

The main goal of all customer engagements during the nurture stage is to drive value. From training to troubleshooting to feature launches, there are many ways to interact with customers during growth. Download the Guide to Successful Customer Nurture to help formalize your plans for this long and critical growth stage.

Is there something your team or company does well in the growth stage? Tell us on twitter @Totango.


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  1. […] a recurring revenue cycle driven by a commitment to customer growth. That’s why it’s sometimes referred to as the growth stage. As a manager, your focus in the adoption phase should be on using the customer success platform to […]

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