How Engagement Score is Calculated

The engagement score is an at-a-glance metric that Totango adds to each account.
Its purpose is to give you a sense of how active and engaged a particular account is with your cloud application.

An account’s Engagement Score is calculated by looking at the aggregate amount of time spent, by all users of the account, with the application in the last 14 days.
This number is then normalized across all accounts of the same life-cycle stage to produce a number between 0 – 100.
Accounts with an engagement score of 0 were the least active during this period, whereas those with a score of 100 were the most active.

Example: For a setup with three lifecycle stages:

  • New Trial
  • Activated
  • Paying

green barAn account in the Paying stage with an Engagement Score of 99 is the most active Paying customer (together with any other accounts with a score of 99)

yellow barAn account in the Activated stage with an Engagement Score of 50 is more active than half of the current Activated accounts

red barA New Trial account with an Engagement Score of 0 is the least active at this stage (usually reflecting a period of 14 days of no activity)


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  1. […] is why Totango service also offer the engagement score that would show you in-app engagement […]

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