5 ways to level up customer loyalty

Customers are your superstars because, in this socially driven economy, loyal customers can be your biggest brand advocates!

I came across this great quote in Entrepreneur magazine:

Shift the focus from customer attraction to customer satisfaction — it all starts with an improved “thank you”.

What are some additional tactics you could use to show them you really appreciate all they do (after all, they keep your business running)? When was the last time you spent money or resources to make them feel appreciated? Even the smallest gestures work!

1. Thank you notes
Personally, I love sending out handwritten thank you notes. It’s my way to practice the long lost art of writing! 😉 In fact, in such a digital world, it’s kind of nice to go “old school” with a note card. What? Mail? For me? And it’s not just another spammy direct mailer?

2. Company swag
You’ve seen people go nuts at conferences collecting swag like t-shirts or mugs. Fans love reppin’ brands they love – like the SF Giants or Nike. Why not reward your customers with pretty special swag they’d be proud to show off?

3. Optimize feedback channels

Being responsive is a great way to win your customers over. Whether it’s a help request or just feedback  – a real response is always appreciated. Or even if you must set up an automated response, make it something they won’t just gloss over. (At least they’ll appreciate the sense of humor of the person who set it up.)

4. Improve your “thank you” pages

Rather than merely using that page to confirm an action, why not add some useful resources, follow-up steps or company contact information? Or if you’re out of ideas, throw in a really cute mascot for them to coo over. If there’s a sub-culture for awesome 404 pages, why not thank you pages?

5. Integrate into a single CRM to measure different channels for effectiveness
Establishing a personal one-on-one relationship with customers is the key to maintaining customer love and have them become brand ambassadors (or loyal addicts) and thereby increasing revenue. There are many ways to do this: web, mobile, social media, print — but like measuring customer engagement, you want to have that information in one centralized place. Nothing worse than siloed information and scattered followups.

What unique ways are you using to take customer loyalty to the next level?

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  1. […] I came across this great quote in Entrepreneur magazine: Shift the focus from customer attraction to customer satisfaction — it all starts with an improved thank you.  […]

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