Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Experience

Lately, I’ve started building a SaaS Dashboard for my own usage (which I’ll be happy to share with others as well) and I have put together a short survey in order to learn what are the key metrics to measure SaaS business success. As I posted in our previous post, every metric matters when trying to see the whole picture, however, according to Chris Zane’s interview in Christoper Brown latest post, if he could only have one measure to manage his business, he would have chosen “lifetime value of customers”.

This metric, in Zane’s opinion is not a static number but a dynamic one that can grow with the customer, so that customers will first purchase their bike when they’re 4 years old, then when they’re 6, again when they’re 12 and they might come by to buy their own kids their first bikes. That’s the power of a happy customer.

This classic example could be taken to any sort of business, as in all businesses, it is critical to understand customers behaviour.

What is ‘customer lifetime value’ translated to the terms of a SaaS company? It’s when your service is valuable and highly appreciated by your users who chose to repeatedly and constantly use your service.

Most customers will encounter SaaS online services when signing-up to their free trial period / freemium. As the funnel goes on, the amount of users converting to paid customers naturally goes down, however, user’s usage pattern is crucial to understand what’s behind those numbers and also to reflect the users behaviour and needs.

Therefore, even though measuring many other metrics should be taken under account, I agree that customer lifetime value should be standing in front of our eyes when thinking of our business plan.

To run a successful SaaS business and increase the chances to gain lifetime users and revenue, a business must make the right conclusions and adjust its service according to customer/user experience.

Tell us how you adjusted your service to fit your user’s needs!


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