Trial Conversion is Top Priority in SaaS

Interview to

Thanks so much to Matt Childs for giving me an opportunity to tell the Totango story on DreamSimplicity.

Matt and I met each other on a very nice day at San Francisco and conducted this interivew which is actually about Totango’s core believes.

Here are the main points from the interview we had:

The Customers are Kings

Totango is all about helping SaaS companies to be more successful by understanding their customers.
The idea with SaaS is that customers are kings, meaning that in order to be a successful SaaS company, businesses should make sure their clients continuously have value, otherwise customers have other choices and they can easily switch into other solutions, so that Totango helps them understand the value they are currently getting from their service and continuously improve the value they are providing to their customers.

Increase Trial Conversion Rate

One of the big challenges big companies are currently experiences is that they have enough leads but having free trial or freemium programs, they are naturally trying to convert those free accounts to paying customers and in order to get there they will need to make sure that customers are getting value through their trial and they can help them being more successful.
So what Totango does is actually help them see what their users do during their trial period and then help them convert into paying accounts.

View the complete interview below:

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  1. […] So how do we know who to focus on? easy – we’re gathering information from your metrics, build your cohort analysis and make the thinking for you. All you need to do is focus on the opportunities we offer and watch how your trial conversion is being increased! […]

  2. […] of the advantages of free trial / freemium models, I agree that companies that are making the adjustments towards those sales models have an […]

  3. […] you know, I declared more than once that the customers are kings which means companies should be able to understand their customers behavior and trends and […]

  4. […] mentioned a lot in this blog, nowadays the customers are kings, customer engagement is taking a royal place in web applications and the interaction between the […]

  5. […] as compared to download a white paper for example (22%). As we discussed in many blogs including Trial Conversion is Top Priority in SaaS, I would add that interaction with a free trial version of your product has an even higher […]

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