Zoe (and Totango) Are Ready to Listen

Zoe 1.0 release and beyond

You know Zoe, right? Just in case you haven’t heard, Zoe makes customer success everyone’s business. With a customer-centric approach to business, the customer needs to be the focus, and Zoe makes that easy to achieve. If you still feel like you’re in the dark, find out more in our AI for Customer Success blog post or in the Zoe + Slack Integration blog post.

Yesterday, we released Zoe 1.0 based on customer feedback, our own learnings, and from your Zoe interactions. We’ve shown how Zoe leverages the data in DNA-CX and provides safe access to customer data to everyone within the company. With the Zoe 1.0 release, you can not only ask Zoe for data, but you can also share customer data from Totango with others in your organization. Imagine that you did something great with one of your accounts and you want to brag about it to your managers. Or if one of your customers raised a concern that you would like to share with the rest of the team. Now you can easily utilize Zoe to share account data and notes via both Slack and email. We believe this proactive enablement is critical to a customer-focused culture.

For the Zoe 1.0 release, we based our updates principally on customers’ usage and interaction data, available to us in the Customer Success Center thanks to the intelligence of DNA-CX. This data gave us complete visibility into how customers have been interacting with Zoe to-date: which data they are requesting, how they are interacting with the system, etc. We will continue to leverage the power of the monitored data in the Customer Success Center to inform future releases of Zoe.

Something we want to influence our future releases of Zoe to a much greater degree is customer feedback, which is one of our core values. To that end, we’ve introduced a dedicated Totango Product channel in Slack. This channel gives our customers a direct line to us to share their feedback on Zoe, as well as the Customer Success Center, enabling an open dialogue and feedback loop.This is our own way of encouraging a customer-first approach within Totango and to give our customers the easiest platform possible to talk with us.

I hope to see all of you (current and future customers alike) in the Totango Product channel in Slack. If you are interested in joining, just reach out to me and get ready for your invitation. And let us know what you think of Zoe 1.0!

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